Earth Smart Science program for state primary schools
The Earth Smart Science (ESS) program for state primary schools aims to reduce schools’ ecological footprints through the development and implementation of School Environmental Management Plans (SEMPs). The implementation and monitoring of a SEMP encourages a whole-of-school approach to wisely managing school resources and focuses on waste minimisation, water conservation, energy efficiency and biodiversity improvements.
The key to the ESS program is the fostering of knowledge of and commitment to environmental sustainability through integration of the SEMP process into the curriculum, resource management, school grounds and partnerships with the community.
The ESS program builds on the Queensland Environmentally Sustainable Schools Initiative (QESSI). QESSI hubs will provide coordination for the ESS program in their region through working with service providers of environmental education for sustainability programs at the regional level.
Over the three years (2010 to 2012) of the ESS program, the QESSI hubs will provide coordination for the ESS program in their region including:
- identifying schools interested in becoming part of the ESS program
- supporting development and implementation of SEMPs
- conducting professional development and training for whole-school staff
- providing information on environmental sustainability issues
- assisting school staff to monitor and reduce the school ‘s ecological footprint
- monitoring achievement of overall reduction in water, energy and waste.
The establishment of an additional 21 QESSI regional hubs will provide expert support through the ESS facilitators who will assist with partnership links and resources to assist with the implementation of the program. The QESSI hubs will provide coordination for the ESS program in their region using this collaborative approach and working with service providers of environmental education programs at the regional level.
Download pdf – Earth Smart Science Program