Project Overview

The salvinia project is a biological control project run by Maroochy Waterwatch with support from the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.  This project allows Maroochy Waterwatch staff to work with local land owners to combat salvinia infestations on their property.  This is achieved by using the salvinia weevil; the salvinia weevil is a well researched, well documented biological control agent known for its impacts on salvinia molesta in tropical and sub-tropical Australia.  This project gives Maroochy Waterwatch the authority to distribute salvinia weevils to the participating land owners.  Once distributed the weevils’ progress is monitored weekly by the participating landowner and monthly by Maroochy Waterwatch.  Monitoring includes taking progressive photographs of the site, looking for notable changes in colour and also counting the number of damaged buds.


The salvinia project began in January 2010 with a media release sent out mid January to attract attention and gain participants for the program.  From the generated interest we have a total of 17 sites scattered across the Sunshine Coast ranging from Ilkley to Eumundi.  All sites were initially checked to ensure they did in fact have a salvinia infestation.  Following this initial check, salvinia weed was collected from the infested site and transported to the Brisbane City Council facility at Deagon for trading.  At the facility ‘clean’ salvinia was traded for ‘infested’ salvinia, which was then transported back to the Sunshine Coast.  Each site received approximately 400-600 weevils (2 x 40L tubs), those sites with larger infestations received additional weevils to increase the likelihood of success.  Weekly monitoring was performed by the land owners themselves whereas; monthly monitoring was performed by Maroochy Waterwatch.

The program is set to continue in the summer of 2010 2011.

For more information on the methodology, please contact Maroochy Waterwatch on 07 54764777 or

To get a better understanding of Salvinia click here

Check it Out – Below are two photos of the same dam, the first taken on the 10th November when the weevils were released, the second taken a month later on the 15th December.